Livin the Dream


Semen Options | Semen


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Livin the Dream


Semen Options


  • Product Description



      OHL Livin the Dream 389-1L

      act bw: 89 adj ww: 703

      ASA #4305557 • 5/8 SIMMENTAL click on registration # to see full epd profile and extended pedigree

      sire. WLE COPACETIC E02
      CMFM JOY 02ZB

      dam. COWAN`S DOODLE BUG 203D
      GCC 203U (Total Recall x Irish Whiskey)

      When you stop breeding for a percentage and start breeding for good cattle you are going to jump leaps and bounds in the overall look, design, and performance of your cow base. Living the Dream is flat out good cattle. The Total Recall x Whiskey daughter sold out of the Classic to the elite cowman Jim Cowan for $30,000, good cowmen know how to pick them, and as you can see know how to breed them. Wayne and Barb have a program, a marriage, and a cow base we all admire, good people that’s passion falls with good cattle, they bought Doodle Bug from Cowan’s, a no miss kind of cow that has proven time and again to produce high dollar cattle. Wayne called John and said, “This is the best bull Barb and I have ever raised,” if you know Wayne and Barb you know they have raised more than a few elite bulls, that is a bold statement, but Living the Dream is bold made. That list of people grew. When people like Keith Lambright, Schaeffer & Tice, and Kent Jaecke say we need it on a bull, we sit down and listen.

      Owned with. Maple Lane Farms, Schaeffer/Tice & Ohlrichs




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  • Product Details
    • Variant: Semen
    • SKU:
    • In Stock: 460
    • Weight: 0.0 lb
    • Product Type: Unknown Type