

Semen | Semen


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  • Product Description


      GCC GENOA 2118K

      act bw: 77 adj ww: 836 scrotal: 40

      ASA #4155667 • PB SIMMENTAL click on registration # to see full epd profile and extended pedigree

      W/C FORT KNOX 609F
      sire. W/C BET ON RED 481H
      W/C ANGEL 7113

      dam. JS BLACK SATIN 9B
      JS FLIRT A-WAY 59Y

      The reports are coming in every day and Genoa is siring those calves that look good from the time they hit the ground. He offers one more dose of consistency and cow power to Bet On Red, it’s the money making kind!

      Genoa is homozygous polled and homozygous good. This is the only embryo that took of the Bet on Red x “Boots” mating, and there are no more of them in the tank. The genetic potential of consistency, design, power, and poise line up the stars in this mating. Take the time to watch him move…he fills in his step, and phenotypically you cannot make one any better. Then sit down and look at what both cow families top and bottom have done in terms of genetic improvement within the Simmental industry, and you simply can’t find a hole. The two best cows in the Simmental breed are wrapped up in his pedigree. Udder structure, rib, pelvic width, dimension, and just the flat out front pasture kind. We bank at Genoa, Nebraska. It’s where we trust our money, and that says a lot about his name.

      His brothers are on these pages, his sisters are in the show runs and donor pens. This is a line of cattle that are consistently as good as we have ever had the privilege to own.

      Owned with.  Haugh Simmentals/ Maple Lane/ Schaeffer Show Cattle / St Germain Simmentals



      Click below for the video.


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  • Product Details
    • Variant: Semen
    • SKU:
    • In Stock: 692
    • Weight: 0.0 lb
    • Product Type: Unknown Type