Pictured is BAR-E-L Erica 74A
Product Description
AAA#19639203 • AngusDUFF Distinction 9105
Sire. DUFF Napoleon 232
Duff Eur 443 Merle 808BAR-E-L Natural Law 52Y
Dam. BAR-E-L Erica 74A
HF Erica 339TWhen we purchased the Sadler's cow base the bull battery was front and center to the decision to move forward. You will not find a beef bull like this, he has more power, more mass, more dimension, than any Angus bull we have ever seen, literally.
His dam stands as the hottest cow in the industry, burn that number, 74A into your brain and then watch out, pay attention, and aquire those genetics! If you want to replicate a cow, breed to her son, it's the quickest and most economical way there is to get to where you want to be going with your cow base. 74A won Agribition, she brought a truckload of money but was worth every cent proving her value wasn't on the end of a lead it was in the donor pen, she is a production powerhouse. Her picture is at the bottom of this page and if you do a google search you can pull up a video. You could not draw a prettier udder with perfect front and rear udder attachment, perfect sized teats all on a broody made, wedgy female any better than what hit this earth when 74A came on the scene. She has made her mark across the globe.
Now let's talk External Law, you've seen him, you've seen his picture, his progeny, and you know you have been waiting to use him, DON'T WAIT. If you want power, mass, and all that should go with it this is a bull you need to not just have in your tank, you need to have babies hitting the ground next spring! He is the consistency you've been looking for, don't miss him this breeding season, if you've got 5 or 500 out in the pasture, use External Law.
Product Details
- Variant: Straw
- SKU:
- In Stock: 240
- Weight: 0.0 lb
- Product Type: Unknown Type
- Collection: Angus